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5 experts weigh in on the state of higher education equity

Why is "equity gap" a more inclusive term than "achievement gap"? What will the most innovative equity initiatives look like in 2025? We asked 5 of our experts about the…
Student Success Blog

Mitigate the Pandemic’s Impact on Equity Gaps this Fall and Beyond

EAB’s Meacie Fairfax and Ed Venit discuss equity gaps in higher education and ways the pandemic and recent social unrest threaten to widen those gaps unless universities take swift action.

Promote College Access and Ease the Path to Transfer

Determine if your policies and partnerships encourage college access and college readiness by easing the path to transfer in this audit.

How one university restores students’ sense of self-efficacy when they stumble

Students with a low GPA at this university had a graduation rate below 10%. Here's how student success leaders implemented a summer program to not only improve students' academic standing,…
Research Report

Use Open Educational Resources to Reduce Financial Barriers to Academic Success

Use this brief to learn more about open educational resources and the role they play in increasing student equity.
Strategic Advisory Services
Research Report

Measuring K-12 Students’ Soft Skills

Research finds student soft skills development predicts future career and academic outcomes. Administrators can develop nonacademic, soft skills for students through these publicly available, time efficient, researched-back assessments of four…
District Leadership Forum

7 fast facts about education equity gaps

Despite significant investment in broad student success initiatives, demographic disparities in graduation rates and career outcomes continue to persist.
Research Report

Mitigating Bias in Gifted & Talented Programs

This report explores strategies to minimize bias in primary and secondary-level gifted and talented education programs.
District Leadership Forum
Insight Paper

Supporting Parents of First-Generation Students

Parents are key influencers on college enrollment for all students, but the parents of first-generation students are less likely to expect their children to enroll in college than parents with…
Strategic Advisory Services

How can I become an anti-racist leader?

See seven questions college leaders should ask to identify and dismantle racist practices on their campus to promote equity.
Student Success Blog