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43 results based on your search


Learning Innovations Toolkit

Eight tools to help you identify and sustain learning innovations among your faculty members.

Making Up Lost Learning Time: Accelerating Instruction using EAB’s Curriculum Prioritization Tool

Almost all students are expected to enter the fall nearly a full grade-level behind and will likely need to navigate a completely new school environment.

4 short-term strategies to support teachers in responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic

School and district leaders are facing many difficult choices in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak, especially when trying to balance the needs of their students with the health of…
Research Report

Effective English Language Arts Operations and Programming

New state standards require new skills from students, leaving many teachers with outdated teaching practices that do not directly address standards. Compare your operations to districts that have scored highly…
District Leadership Forum

Minimize summer learning loss through parent text messaging prompts

All students are at risk of summer slide over break. Learn how parent messaging proves successful in preventing significant learning loss.

3 practices to honor teachers virtually during Teacher Appreciation Week 2020

The past couple of months have been incredibly difficult for school communities, here are some creative ways to honor teachers.
Research Report

Program-Level Learning Outcomes

Strategic Advisory Services

The High-Performing Center of Teaching and Learning

In this webconference, we will discuss our recent research on the role of pedagogy and student success, staffing, and programming of centers of teaching and learning.
Research Report

Assessing Student Learning Outcomes

Assist administrators in ""rightsizing"" outcomes strategy and designing assessment practices that meet the emerging expectations for external transparency while being sufficiently relevant and unobtrusive to faculty to be a self-sustaining…

Promote Teaching and Learning Strategies that Increase Course Completion

Large required courses with failure rates as high as 30-60% can create retention and time-to-degree issues for hundreds or even thousands of students at a single institution. Discover how to…
Strategic Advisory Services
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