About EAB

Edify: EAB’s Education Data Platform

Take Back Control of Your Data

Request a Demo https://attachment.eab.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/EDH-EdScoop-Logo-Circular.png https://attachment.eab.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Ajx67m42_400x400.jpg With Edify, you'll also receive access to expert support and guidance

Access your data when you need it

Edify aggregates and integrates data from all your systems in a central, highly customizable platform. Expert support and a library of mission-specific projects help Edify partners hit the ground running on their data priorities.

Consolidate data into a single platform

Edify is a next-generation data warehouse with EAB’s canonical higher ed data model at its core. The platform serves as an integration engine and provides a framework for data governance. Edify is system- and vendor-agnostic, aggregating and organizing data from all the systems and applications you already use.

Expert guidance and support

Augment your team’s work with help from EAB’s higher education data scientists, data architects, integration engineers, programmers, and business process experts. Our specialists understand your unique environment and goals.

Pre-scoped projects

Edify partners enjoy access to Accelerators, a library of pre-scoped projects that deliver integration support and analytics for priority areas including enrollment, equity, advancement, and academic resource management.

Edify partner results


reduction in time required to make a data change across all systems


of work time regained by an IR team no longer manually updating dashboards


anticipated reduction in time to gather data required to complete all annual IPEDS surveys

Explore success stories

Expand analytics capabilities and improve campus data use

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Reduce time to make cross-system data changes by 75%

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‘Free the Data’ campaign transforms IR’s work

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Let’s discuss your goals