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Research Report

Marketing Across the Program Lifecycle

This study explores 17 practices you can implement to create a more purposeful integration of marketing capabilities across the program lifecycle.

In recent years, marketing has undergone significant advancements as it evolves to attract today's prospective adult learners. However, marketers are often not formally involved in decision making during program development and launch. Additionally, they lack the formal mechanisms to help unit and program leadership calibrate marketing investment in existing programs.

This study explores 17 practices you can implement to create a more purposeful integration of marketing capabilities across the program lifecycle. Download the complete publication or explore the table of contents to learn more.

Changing rules of the game

Today's COE marketers and recruiters face a prospective student landscape that is fundamentally different from that of just a few years ago: with more educational options than ever, a wealth of information at their fingertips, and the online shopping savvy needed to navigate it all. Prospective students demand that institutions speak to their specific needs and expectations. This adaption to the new rules of the student-acquisition game presents numerous challenges, and is further complicated with limited marketing and recruiting resources.

Constant disruption to the new status quo

We have identified four fundamental forces elevating the need for a more purposeful integration of marketing capabilities across the program lifecycle. First, today's prospective students are skilled online shoppers, adept at, and increasingly comfortable with, independently finding and comparing programs and institutions to meet their varied educational needs. Second, state-of-the-art marketing practice evolves rapidly, resulting in an ever increasing number of marketing channel options and technology solutions.

Third, an already crowded market of COE programs faces an influx of large scale competition from traditional nonprofit institutions, complicating the value proposition for smaller, less well-resourced COE units. Finally, and fortunately, the rapid professionalization…

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