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Research Report

How to Improve Career Development Opportunities for First-Generation Students

Many of the challenges associated with finding employment amid a pandemic are more acute for first-generation college students, who may already feel underprepared to navigate the career exploration process. Read…
Strategic Advisory Services

What colleges can learn about equity from a community-based organization

The President of College Possible discusses the roles of CBOs and shares his thoughts on ways college leaders and staff can create a more inclusive institution.
Research Report

3 Ways to Expand Support for First-Generation Students Through the Career Center

First-generation college students are more likely to work off-campus jobs, engage in community service, or have family obligations that may preclude them from accessing career support services. This insights shares…
Strategic Advisory Services

How to Give Feedback to Get Results From Students

Teachers spend hours providing thoughtful feedback but rarely see it lead to meaningful academic progress. Watch this video to learn six simple principles teachers can apply right away to increase…
District Leadership Forum

K-12 Stakeholder Assessment Toolkit for District Technology Leaders

As CTOs pursue change initiatives in their districts, poor stakeholder communication can easily derail good faith efforts to implement, update, or decommission technology. This toolkit will help district technology leaders…
District Technology Leadership Forum
Research Report

Explore New International Opportunities and Expand Existing Transnational Collaborations

Explore takeaways that will help you better explore new international opportunities in higher ed and expand existing transnational collaborations.
Strategic Advisory Services

Whether Helicopter, Snowplow, or Drone, Intensive Parenting Is Here to Stay

For heads of independent schools, intensive parenting has resulted in changing parent expectations and greater demands, which often require more resources from the school to satisfy.
K-12 District Leadership Blog

Compendium of Digital Innovations in Higher Education

This compendium of digital innovations is designed to help you identify digital trends in higher education, engage in environmental scanning, and identify new opportunities for your own campus.
IT Strategy Advisory Services

Author Nathan D. Grawe Shares Insights from His New Book: “The Agile College”

Noted author Nathan D. Grawe talks about his new book that explores how college recruitment and retention efforts are evolving to meet demographic and other challenges.

How to Create an International Strategy Champion

Learn three main models for empowering an international strategy champion at your institution so you can have more effective agreements with universities across the globe. Access sample job descriptions and…
Strategic Advisory Services