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Create a student-centric user experience on your college website

Discover key principles for your website's navigation that will improve the experience for prospective students—whether they are just starting to explore your website, researching your institution's offerings, or beginning the…

How to find the next generation of major gift donors

Learn to identify major gift donors and future leaders so you can more effectively target engagement and solicitations specifically to their needs.
Advancement Advisory Services

How to navigate an unexpected transition to admissions without test scores

Many colleges and universities have decided—out of necessity—to offer test-optional admissions for the first time for the fall of 2021. EAB has identified five guiding principles on how to transition…

Test-Optional Admissions Rubric for Colleges and Universities

How should colleges and universities evaluate prospective students who don't submit standardized test scores? Learn how EAB helped transition three colleges to test-optional with the help of an admissions rubric.
Strategic Advisory Services

What Liberal Arts Colleges Can Do to Stay Relevant

Denison University President Adam Weinberg joins the podcast to discuss the relevance and evolving role of liberal arts institutions in an era of increased specialization.

15 Best Practices to Erase Equity Gaps

We have identified 15 best practices to help institutions take a hard look at their campus culture and systems to build a more equity-focused approach.
Moon Shot for Equity
Research Report

Choosing the right undergraduate programs for revitalization

As colleges and universities are scrambling for opportunities to cut costs and grow revenues, academic leadership can’t afford limited information for making significant decisions. Internal data can evaluate how programs…
Strategic Advisory Services

Data Storytelling 101: What it is, and why it matters for higher ed

Learn what data storytelling is and why it matters for higher education—plus three barriers that make data storytelling challenging on many campuses.

Diversity, equity and inclusion in independent schools: 3 imperatives for advancement teams

In the wake of the anti-black police violence our country experienced over the summer and increased demands for racial justice, many independent schools are looking inward at how their policies…
K-12 District Leadership Blog

Use data in your academic resource planning

Academic Performance Solutions (APS) data can support several academic resource planning processes on your campus, including faculty line planning and course and section planning.
Academic Performance Solutions