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4 lessons to improve yield in an uncertain enrollment season

This year’s yield season is likely to be tough. Making your class—or, in a really difficult market, just minimizing drops in headcount—will require exceptional focus and execution. See four strategies…
Research Report

Implementing Quarterly Exams

As traditional assessment in the classroom begins to shift, we examined five school districts’ rationale behind their transition from established midterm and final exams to quarterly exams.
District Leadership Forum
Resource Center

Strategic Cabinet Resource Center for Community Colleges

To rise to the oncoming challenges facing community colleges, presidents have expressed a surprising need: an empowered cabinet that helps lead strategic change. Explore the Strategic Cabinet Resource Center for…
Strategic Advisory Services for Community Colleges

Six Thinking Hats Persona Exercise

Community college leaders need to be able to appeal to different stakeholders (and their style of thinking) on campus. This tool will help community colleges lead an exercise to discover…

Future-Focused Scenario Planning

To move above transactional tasks and think strategically, cabinet members need to get above their day-to-day and develop new strategic thinking skills. Use multiple potential futures to think outside the…

How to develop an infrastructure for change that stands the test of time

Under the pressure of achieving a strategic vision, many higher ed leaders neglect the ingredients for impactful, sustained change. Read our insight for three of the most important parts to…

3 steps to create real change by cascading strategic goals

The success of a vision often relies on the buy-in and action of those not directly involved in strategy-setting. Learn how one community college translates lofty, strategic goals into daily…

How to exercise your strategic thinking muscles

Crafting a transformational vision and leading change on campus is not something that happens overnight—these skills take time and consistency to develop. Read our insight for three ways that community…

Why “becoming strategic leaders” should be at the top of every cabinet’s to-do list

Shorter presidential tenures, a rise in no-confidence votes, and increasing public scrutiny of the sector as a whole has placed community college presidents under a microscope that many fear directly…

From Strategic Vision to Organizational Change Playbook

Change of a visionary scale is never easy, and community colleges need to prepare to tackle the challenges associated with institutional transformation. Use this playbook to understand the eight stages…