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The Multidisciplinary Reorganization Toolkit

The following seven resources are designed for leaders of institutions that are just beginning the transition from siloed to interdisciplinary governance.
Strategic Advisory Services
Research Report

Assessing Student Learning Outcomes

Assist administrators in ""rightsizing"" outcomes strategy and designing assessment practices that meet the emerging expectations for external transparency while being sufficiently relevant and unobtrusive to faculty to be a self-sustaining…

How to get first-generation student support right

We sat down with leaders from Florida State University to discuss how FSU provides comprehensive, holistic support for first-generation students. Learn how they built unique programs that give first-gen students…

Advisors want to spend 50% less time on these activities

What activities take up most of an advisor’s time when meeting with students? Are college academic advisors spending time on activities they think are the most impactful? We sat down…

What happens to 100 students who enter college?

The lack of centralized, longitudinal, industry-wide records makes it difficult to understand the true learning outcomes of our students. In response, we've assembled an unprecedented view of college outcomes.

How one advising leader saw a 600% increase in student responses

Words surrounding email performance—like “open rates,” “clickthrough rates,” and “conversion rates”—are not part of most academics’ vocabulary. But digital marketing best practices can provide measurable value to your student communications.

What health care can teach us about student success

Devleoped in the health care industry to meet increased stress from an aging population, population health management principles may also point the way forward for student success.

What can we learn from first-year GPA?

More universities could be using one of the most basic student success indicators—first year GPA—to focus advising efforts and student success initiatives where they have the greatest impact. Discover three…
Student Success Blog

Improve your IT talent pool with candidate-centric recruiting

In today's competitive hiring environment, having a strong employer brand is important to attract the best IT talent, including in higher ed. Creating candidate-focused job descriptions, "get to know us"…

Four things campus needs to know about the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), if your college has any information relating to an EU resident, institutional procedures and policies will need to change. Here's four things you…
Data & Analytics Blog