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Here’s what the institutions who grew grad enrollment in 2020-21 did right

Growth in graduate enrollment across the last two years exceeded dreary pre-pandemic growth projections from the National Center for Education Statistics. Graduate enrollment expanded by 2.4% in 2020 and 2.1%…
Adult Education Blog

Why equity is more than just the right thing to do

What is the economic value of college equity? We often talk about the benefits to an individual’s lifetime earnings, but what about the return for our society? This video explores…
Research Report

How to get buy-in when confronting your historical racial legacy

EAB experts spoke with university leaders to better understand the biggest change management barriers preventing bold change on campus. In a recent webinar, the research team shared their findings, including…
Strategic Advisory Services

Stakeholder Engagement: Responding to Questions about Your Predictive Modeling

Predict offers a lot of easy pathways towards answers that are front-of-mind for users and stakeholders alike. In this Deep Dive webinar, look forward to hearing about the ways that…

4 things to know when planning for the future of teaching and learning

EAB convened 17 chief information officers (CIOs) to discuss opportunities and challenges facing the future of teaching and learning they see coming out of the pandemic. Read on for takeaways…
Data & Analytics Blog

Risk Management Toolkit for Confronting Historical Legacies of Racial Oppression in Higher Ed

When addressing historical ties to racial discrimination and oppression, influential stakeholders often focus on the potential risks of doing so and resist change. Our toolkit will help higher ed leaders…
Strategic Advisory Services

APS Intensive: Make Data-Informed Faculty Line Planning Decisions for FY2022-23

Start the new year off right with APS! Join our APS Intensive to learn how to use data to understand faculty line needs to accommodate student demand in FY22-23. During…

Jonathan April

Jonathan April is the Managing Director of College Greenlight, a nationwide effort uniting colleges and community-based organizations (CBOs) to reduce barriers for students who have traditionally experienced obstacles when applying…

Managing Director, College Greenlight

4 new data opportunities for success analytics—and where you should begin

Growing volumes of student data present an opportunity for colleges and universities to deliver bespoke experiences and interventions for the right students, at the right time. Learn about 4 new…
Research Report

How to Improve Career Development Opportunities for First-Generation Students

Many of the challenges associated with finding employment amid a pandemic are more acute for first-generation college students, who may already feel underprepared to navigate the career exploration process. Read…
Strategic Advisory Services