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Jennie Bailey

Jennie Bailey took the role of Principal Strategic Leader at EAB after years of working with colleges and universities implement tactical enrollment marketing campaigns for advancing their undergraduate and graduate…

Principal Strategic Leader

3 strategies for leveraging alumni to develop students’ job-ready skills

Students are increasingly seeking opportunities to build workplace skills during their degree programmes. Read this insight for three strategies for leveraging alumni to develop students' job-ready skills.

What student success means to four higher education leaders

Four leaders of EAB’s Student Success Collaborative share their passion for transforming the lives of their students. Watch the video to discover why they’ve made student success not just their…
Research Report

Integration: What it is, and why it matters for higher education

As higher ed attempts to respond to the growing need for digital innovation, attempts to keep pace will bring new technologies into diverse corners of every college and university. Learn…
Research Report

Planning Academic Programs Across Campuses

The following study details a case study for each model and offers advice for administrators as they think about implementing a joint- or multi-campus program.
Research Report

Shared Services Primer

Shared services is a tried-and-true method for increasing the efficiency and quality of administrative service delivery, but shared services initiatives tend to evoke fears of layoffs, increased administrative burdens for…
Strategic Advisory Services
Insight Paper

The Student Success Strategy Playbook

American higher education has enjoyed a multidecade-long enrollment expansion that may soon come to an end. The recommendations in this report aim to help you and your leadership team reshape…

Logan Morris

Logan Morris is an Associate Director in EAB’s Research Advisory Services, providing strategic decision support for partner institutions around challenges in enrollment, student success, student affairs, and DEIJ initiatives. Logan’s…

Associate Director

Digital gift officers are just the beginning

Learn how advancement leaders can accelerate donors up the pipeline by encouraging handoffs from digital gift officers to major gifts and investing in stewardship that demonstrates impact.

3 Student Success Lessons That Power EAB’s “Moon Shot for Equity”

Milwaukee Area Technical College President Dr. Vicki Martin joins EAB Vice President of Partnerships, Tom Sugar, to talk about three lessons learned from Georgia State University's success in erasing equity…