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Research Report

5 Facilities trends every higher ed leader should be watching

EAB surveyed Facilities and Estates organizations across North America, Europe, and Oceania during December 2021 to better understand the challenges facing today’s campuses. Read on for five of the most…
Strategic Advisory Services

Strategic Enrollment Management in a Decentralized Environment

Experts share tips on how to work with disparate campus stakeholders to develop and execute a cohesive strategic enrollment management program.

Essential guidance for exploring your institution’s legacies of racism

University leaders are feeling increasing pressure to grapple with histories of racism embedded in physical and cultural artifacts on campuses. To better understand how higher ed is exploring and confronting…
Higher Education Strategy Blog

Building a holistic student support infrastructure with Navigate360

In this five-video collection, Dr. Nora Clark-Giles from Frederick Community College and Michael Gage from Pueblo Community College share how they are using EAB's Navigate360 to reform their student success…

Front-Line Staff Share Insights on Eliminating Equity Gaps

EAB experts join front-line staff at the institutions that have signed on to the Moon Shot for Equity project, to update us on their progress and share insights on the…

3 holiday reminders to make the new year productive

While normal alumni responsiveness may feel like the cold shoulder, these winter weeks aren’t hopeless. Quiet inboxes aren’t reason to cease activity but a sign to rest from your typical…
Advancement Blog

Using email drip campaigns to recruit graduate and online students? Here’s what you’re missing.

As the imperative to recruit adult learners grows, using data to inform your recruitment strategy and specific campaigns can make all the difference in your bottom line.
Adult Education Blog
Press Release

EAB Partners with Nine Midwestern Higher Education Institutions and 100+ Nonprofits to Expand College Access

The new initiative-Greenlight Match-enables students to build a single online profile and receive competing offers of admission and financial aid
Partner Service

Counseling Center Website Audit

Improve the accessibility, findability, usability, and credibility of your counseling center website

4 ways your search marketing needs to evolve

Here are four strategies enrollment leaders can adapt to evolve their search marketing and improve performance across the funnel.
Enrollment Blog