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Partner Stories

Increasing geographic diversity in the face of the pandemic

How one partner overcame recruitment challenges and increased geographic diversity with Intersect

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    Prior to the pandemic, this public university, despite maintaining strong brand recognition in regions close to home, was struggling to connect with students outside of their home state in the Appalachian region. This challenge was amplified by COVID 19 when travel restrictions prohibited traditional recruitment tactics, like school visits and college fairs.

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    Through an analysis conducted with their EAB Partner Success Manager, the institution noticed that 75% of their out of state markets were avid users of Naviance. Motivated by the fact that Naviance students who connect via Intersect are 6x more likely to enroll, this partner expanded their Intersect presence to virtually engage with students in 15 states, focusing on regions where their best fit students were also users of Naviance.

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    By leveraging Intersect to engage with right fit students, EAB helped the institution expand their reach among out of state students to meet enrollment goals. The partner saw 65% of their Intersect connections go on to apply. While they only sent outreach via Intersect in 15 states, the partner also enhanced their college profile in Naviance and, as a result, saw applications from 43 states.