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Scaling microcredential programs through employer partnerships? Minimize risk with these 3 practices

This blog shares three practices for scaling microcredential programs that guarantee employer partner participation and minimize cost to mitigate risk.
Adult Education Blog

Microcredential Proposal and Evaluation Template

To avoid developing microcredentials that are not financially viable, use the two tools in this toolkit to make more market-driven assessments of proposed offerings.
Professional and Adult Education Advisory Services

To design microcredentials that meet student needs, follow these 3 steps

This blog outlines three steps you can follow to design microcredentials around the needs of your professional and adult learners.
Adult Education Blog
Research Report

The Realities of Graduate Certificate Programs

Certificates, badges, stackable master’s degrees, and other short-format credentials appear to be a big countercyclical enrollment opportunity for universities. We've outlined six insights on the market realities and challenges of…
Strategic Advisory Services
Research Report

Explore degree alternatives

Adult learners must leave programs able to articulate and demonstrate the skills gained, especially if students completed non-degree credentials since most employers don’t understand what alternative credentials convey. Memorial University…

Design Credentials to Meet Adult Student Needs

Rather than choose a credential to launch and hope to find an audience, first determine the audience a program will serve and then build the offering to meet their needs.…
Professional and Adult Education Advisory Services
Research Report

Opportunities and threats of alternative credentials

To maximize the market opportunity and minimize the disruption presented by alternative credentials, institutions will need to rethink both their investments in and approaches to post-baccalaureate programs.
Professional and Adult Education Advisory Services

Program Development to Aid the Pandemic Economic Recovery

As the coronavirus crisis impacts professional job prospects and university enrollment targets, professional and adult education units must develop innovative and flexible programs which meet the evolving needs of the…

Student-Centered Program Design Case Studies

A program can serve multiple working adult segments, but “one-size-fits-all” programs rarely work. Begin student-centered program design with a specific audience in mind to ensure new offerings match prospective adult…

Achieving Smart Growth in Microcredential Programs

In this roundtable, we will examine the current microcredentials landscape, profile tactics to ensure that microcredential offerings are aligned to market demand before launch, and share approaches to ongoing assessment…