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58 results based on your search

Partner Story

Increasing geographic diversity in the face of the pandemic

Prior to the pandemic, this public university, despite maintaining strong brand recognition in regions close to home, was struggling to connect with students outside of their home state in the…
Insight Paper

Benchmarking the Enrollment Office

Explore higher ed enrollment office performance benchmarks as well as trends and patterns shaping today's admissions practices.

Will Performance-Based Admissions Boost Graduate Enrollments?

Experts share lessons learned on piloting “performance-based admissions” to grow graduate programs.

Greenlight Equity Collaborative CBO Regional Summits

The CBO Regional Summits will virtually connect CBO leaders and Equity Collaborative members for thought-provoking dialogue and reflection.
Resource Center

New Admissions Counselor Resource Center

Whether you’re a new admissions counselor or brushing up your skills, the reading list we’ve compiled below can help you learn more about your role and tips for success.

How Admissions Teams Should Navigate the Staffing Crisis

Research shows enrollment teams are experiencing unprecedented staffing challenges. Learn how enrollment teams are navigating the admissions staffing crisis.
Enrollment Blog
Insight Paper

Gen Z’s Evolving Enrollment Journey

This report explores five lessons on Gen Z’s evolving journey based EAB’s latest student survey and behavioral data.

Is Your Test-Optional Policy Helping or Hurting Your Recruitment Opportunity?

Is your test-optional policy helping or hurting your recruitment opportunity? Use this resource to help make the determination.

Is Your Admissions Team Struggling with Channel Overload?

Experts explain how to build the right mix of data sources and engagement platforms to identify, learn about, and move prospective students through the recruiting funnel.
Insight Paper

Every Interaction Counts: Strengthening Community College Recruitment Communications Amid the Great Opt-Out

This paper will share strategies for better capturing, communicating with, and enrolling prospective community college students.