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What it Takes to Be a Student-Centered Institution

Watch the video to hear Dr. Lloyd’s motivation for pursuing new approaches to student success and how his team partners with EAB to achieve WMCC’s goals.

What community colleges need to know about the students of the pandemic

As we turn our eyes towards 2021, here are four things community college leaders must keep top-of-mind to serve students.

Headcount up, enrollment down?

For colleges that find their headcount up while overall enrollment is down, here are three strategies that could generate a last-minute enrollment boost.

Student Success in Summer and Beyond

In this new remote world, students find themselves in a situation for which many are ill-prepared. In this webinar, we discuss how to promote student success in a remote space…

Serving the Students of the Pandemic

Attendees will gain critical insight into how the pandemic has affected current and future student populations as well as best practice recommendations.

How to develop an infrastructure for change that stands the test of time

Under the pressure of achieving a strategic vision, many higher ed leaders neglect the ingredients for impactful, sustained change. Read our insight for three of the most important parts to…

3 steps to create real change by cascading strategic goals

The success of a vision often relies on the buy-in and action of those not directly involved in strategy-setting. Learn how one community college translates lofty, strategic goals into daily…

Improve Communications across the Community College Student Lifecycle

An uncoordinated communication stream can deter students from progressing through the enrollment funnel or completing critical steps after enrollment. Community college leaders should review their current communications plans and ensure…
Strategic Advisory Services for Community Colleges
Research Report

Career and Technical Education Program Opportunity Guide

Discover how community colleges can identify viable program launch opportunities for career and technical education and plan for the cost of new programs.

Design 2-Year to 4-Year Guided Pathways to Streamline the Transfer Experience

Guided Pathways was developed as a solution to stagnant completion rates, but implementation of this model varies widely. Use this roadmap to launch or improve upon your Guided Pathways efforts.
Strategic Advisory Services for Community Colleges