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Fact vs. Myth: What All District Leaders Should Know and Do to Improve Virtual Teaching and Learning

District leaders will identify the most common mistakes from last spring’s distance learning and learn relevant practices for improving virtual instruction.
Research Report

Perfecting the Academic-Advancement Partnership

Use this study, Perfecting the Partnership, to identify and engage new advancement partners across campus and extend the reach of current fundraising superstars to more donors.
Advancement Advisory Services

3 insights to inform laptop program design and administration for IT leaders

In an age where laptops are arguably a student’s most important educational tool, institutions are witnessing firsthand how laptop programs address student access and equity issues. We analyzed laptop programs…
Research Report

How 50 student affairs leaders are feeling about student activism this fall

As the racial justice protests unfolded in spring 2020, many colleges and universities released statements of support and acknowledged the need for further action on campus. Examine survey responses from…
Strategic Advisory Services
Research Report

MOOCs as a recruitment tool: the University of York’s approach to ‘try-before-you-buy’ courses

Discover how the University of York’s used MOOCs as a recruitment tool with their ‘try-before-you-buy’ approach to courses.
Professional and Academic Services Forum

The largest roadblock to hiring diverse fundraisers—and how to get around it

Many advancement teams have a long way to go when it comes to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Read our insight to learn how colleges and universities can diversify their…

5 types of questions to ask families to improve the virtual learning experience

This fall, districts should create Family Virtual Learning Profiles, which will improve the effectiveness of remote instruction by better aligning virtual learning activities and communications with the needs of individual…
Research Report

Community College Market Strategy Review

Many community colleges are concerned about how COVID-19 has destabilized their enrollment outlook. Learn about getting a one-on-one consultation with an EAB enrollment expert who will evaluate your college’s enrollment…

Mohammad Abdullah

As Vice President of Data Strategy & Management, Mohammad is responsible for bringing EAB’s Enrollment Intelligence vision to life by identifying innovative ways to harness EAB’s best in class data…

Vice President, Product Management
Research Report

Differentiating K-12 Instruction for Students at All Levels of Ability

In differentiated instruction, teachers adjust curriculum and content delivery to optimize learning for all students within a general education classroom. Review several strategies for differentiated instruction to improve student learning.
District Leadership Forum