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Adult Degree Completer Recruitment Resource Center

Enrollment leaders face renewed pressure to recruit new and different audiences to offset declines in traditional undergraduate enrollment. Some institutions have doubled down on efforts to recruit adult degree completers, or students with some college credit but no degree. But adult degree completers are historically a challenging audience to identify, reach, and recruit. In this resource center, you will find insights on the adult degree completer mindset, strategies to recruit this audience, and research into the size of the adult degree completer market in the wake of economic downturn.

Understanding adult degree completers


Here’s why adult degree completers return to college—and why they don’t

As economies and institutions around the world reel from the impact of COVID-19, enrollment leaders have sought to…
Adult Education Blog

Insights From 1,000+ Adults Considering Completing Their Bachelor's

There are approximately 3.5 million adults who have completed some college and have a high potential in going…

Recruiting adult degree completers


Accelerate the adult degree completer’s journey to enrollment

For many enrollment leaders, recruiting adult degree completers has been a difficult nut to crack. Learn three strategies…
Adult Education Blog

The 6 stages of the adult degree completer journey

Discover the six stages, and tactics, of an adult degree completer's journey to re-enrollment in this infographic.
Adult Learner Recruitment

Recruit degree completers

Read this white paper for insights into these prospective students’ mindset, actionable recommendations to guide your marketing strategy, and best practices for designing programs to attract them.

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Partner success story

Discover how Birch University raised awareness and engagement among key prospect audiences, resulting in 65,000 unique prospects reached by digital ads and 22 enrollments influenced by EAB campaigns.

Read the Story

Sizing the adult degree completer market


What the 2008 Recession tells us about the future of the adult degree completer market

For many degree completers, the thing that made them re-enroll was a major shift in life circumstances: a…
Adult Education Blog

Supporting adult degree completers

Research Report

Charting a Path to Persistence

Discover 13 best practices to support adult and online learners across three areas: monitoring stop-out risk, encouraging re-enrollment,…
Professional and Adult Education Advisory Services

What data shows about student stopout trends

When should colleges should focus their outreach efforts to stopout students, and does it vary by school-type? See…

Reenroll college stopouts

Learn how one institution’s re-enrollment program contributed to an increase of more than 20% in enrollments and a 15% increase in re-enrollment and new student applications to the college.
