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Student Experience and Well-being Resource Center

Retention and graduation remain among college and university leaders’ most important priorities. At the same time, today’s institutions are also struggling to tackle growing student disengagement and anxiety, integrate career preparation throughout the student experience, and embed proactive mental health support across campus.

To help higher ed leaders with these goals, the Student Experience and Well-being Resource Center gathers our best practices and insights across six areas of expertise.

  • “”

    Retention and Advising



  • “”

    Student Mental Health and Well-being



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    Student Financial Support



  • “”

    Student Belonging and DEIJ



  • “”

    Student Activism and Flashpoints



  • “”

    Experiential Learning and Career Outcomes



Recommended Resources

Jump into EAB’s student experience research with three of our most popular resources.

  1. The Student Success Strategy Playbook

    If you’re just beginning to explore EAB’s student success best practices, start with EAB’s Student Success Strategy Playbook for an introduction to our framework.

  2. Event: Tackle the Student Readiness Challenge

    Join us for our virtual roundtable on November 13, 2024 or January 16, 2025, where we’ll unpack the dimensions of student readiness that institutions must prepare to address both today and across the next decade.

  3. Prepare to Meet Student Readiness Gaps with Just-in-Time Advising

    Read our research report to learn about eight advising model imperatives that can help close student readiness gaps.

Retention and Advising

Admission is just the first step in a college student's journey. Without a focused effort on retention, students may get lost in the shuffle and never make it to graduation. Browse our resources on student readiness, onboarding, adivsing models, and more for tactics to guide students through their time on campus and connect them with the right support resources.
Resource Center

Student Readiness Resource Center

This Resource Center brings together research and recommendations from across EAB and Seramount to provide K-12 schools, colleges…
Research Report

Prepare to Meet Student Readiness Gaps with Just-in-Time Advising

This report shares how advisors can contribute to student readiness, outlines eight imperatives for advising model design, and…
Strategic Advisory Services

Eliminate Administrative and Financial Barriers to Success

While most academic leaders think of advising, academics, or student affairs when thinking about student success, the administrative…
Strategic Advisory Services

Promote Teaching and Learning Strategies that Increase Course Completion

Large required courses with failure rates as high as 30-60% can create retention and time-to-degree issues for hundreds…
Strategic Advisory Services

Student Mental Health and Well-being

Mental health has been a growing concern for the past few years, and it has become critical—and expected—for higher education institutions to provide robust mental health support. Colleges should examine how to better support not only the mental health, but the holistic well-being, of their students.
Resource Center

Student Mental Health Resource Center

Curated EAB resources to support student mental health and well-being
Strategic Advisory Services
Research Report

How to Better Engage Faculty in Student Mental Health and Well-Being Support

Our report shares five strategies to boost faculty engagement in student mental health support.
Strategic Advisory Services

Student Financial Support

When students are free from financial stress, they can focus more on their studies, leading to better academic performance and higher retention rates. Explore our resources for tactics to ensure students get the financial support they need.

Expand Services to Address Financial Insecurity on Campus

Financially insecure students cannot succeed academically or holistically. This roadmap details how to invest in this crucial priority…
Strategic Advisory Services

Address Student Basic Needs: Food and Housing Insecurity

Students can’t be expected to achieve academic success or personal wellness until their basic needs are met. Use…
Strategic Advisory Services

Student Belonging and DEIJ

College student populations are more diverse than ever before, and institutions must foster an environment that makes the college experience as welcoming as possible for all students. Explore our resources for guidance on how to meaningfully improve student diversity, equity, and inclusion, support first-generation college students, foster belongingness on campus, and more.
Resource Center

Student Belonging Resource Center

Use this resource center to find research and best practices that will help campus leaders understand and improve…
Strategic Advisory Services
Research Report

Improve Faculty and Student Engagement with Your Institution's Disability Accommodations Process

This report outlines two recommendations for how higher ed institutions can make the disability accommodations process much easier…
Strategic Advisory Services
Research Report

How Colleges and Universities Can Navigate Student Death

Use the resources outlined in this research report to learn about common pitfalls as you navigate student death…
Strategic Advisory Services

Student Activism and Flashpoints

Every institution will experience student activism and flashpoints at one point or another. To protect campus climate, enrollment, and reputation, higher ed leaders need to support student activists and be prepared with a plan to address flashpoints appropriately when they inevitably occur.
Resource Center

Higher Education Crises and Flashpoints Resource Center

EAB has assembled resources to help your institution better prepare for, respond to, and debrief campus flashpoints.
Strategic Advisory Services
Resource Center

Student Activism Resource Center

From studies to on-demand webconferences and toolkits, peruse all of our student activism resources in one convenient hub.
Strategic Advisory Services

Experiential Learning and Career Outcomes

Today's students want experiences inside and outside the classroom that help them succeed in the job market. To prepare students for life after graduation, higher ed leaders need to embed sought-after skills into curricula and make it easy for students to access career development opportunities on campus and in the broader community.

Scale Experiential Learning and Career Development

Today’s universities are under increasing public pressure to provide career preparation and support economic mobility. Learn how to…
Strategic Advisory Services

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