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Employer Demand Profiles

Identifying the top skills requested, employers with greatest demand, and most-sought occupations across the U.S., U.K., and Canada

EAB compiles real-time employer demand data that identifies the top skills, employers, and occupations across regional job postings. Explore our profiles for the U.S., U.K., and Canada, and use the data and brainstorming questions included in the profiles to guide campus discussions about how to grow and direct the development of the program portfolio.

United States

United Kingdom

Click on your region below to see the top skills requested, employers with greatest demand, and most-sought occupations.


Click on your province or territory below to see the top skills requested, employers with greatest demand, and most-sought occupations for professionals with a bachelor’s degree or above.

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Resource Center

Enrollment Growth Strategy Resource Center

Shape your future enrollment growth strategy with research that uncovers hidden risks and opportunities and sheds light on…
Professional and Adult Education Advisory Services

How to use state demand data to launch or revitalize programs

Use state-level data to achieve more successful launches by encouraging a data-driven approach.
Adult Education Blog
Research Report

Choosing the right undergraduate programs for revitalization

As colleges and universities are scrambling for opportunities to cut costs and grow revenues, academic leadership can’t afford…
Strategic Advisory Services