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Our Blogs
Get the latest insights from EAB experts on a variety of topics and terrains from enrollment to student success to K-12 education to higher education strategy and beyond.

Are you prepared to recruit ‘Gen P’?

The top 5 ways prospective graduate and adult learners are finding your programs

30 Student success priorities for the 2020s

Most strategic plans fail to set useful goals. Why these mistakes make it impossible to meet institutional objectives.
EAB Blogs by the Numbers
Blogs authored last year8
Different blogs that span topics in education53
Contributing expertsRecent and Featured Posts from Every Blog
Data & Analytics Blog
How 76 data leaders are building better data governance
Many colleges and universities approach data governance with the best intentions: they want to clean up their data, build data trust across campus, and make data-informed decisions. But without clear steps for approaching data governance, efforts can quickly lose steam. While many colleges and universities have long expressed a desire to become "data-informed," few have succeeded in achieving this goal.
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Community College Blog
Are your dual enrollment students sticking around?
Discover how to use technology to build a retention strategy for dual enrollment students beyond high school graduation. Learn how targeted campaigns, early alert systems, and personalized support can improve the student success of early college goers and position you as a top choice among the schools they are considering.
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Student Success Blog
How to navigate policy challenges and show support for your trans students
Explore three major challenges trans students face—and four things institutions can do to improve the college experience by reducing barriers.
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Higher Education Strategy Blog
Why organizational change efforts fail (and how to make yours succeed)
Many leaders understand the need for organizational change and assume it requires a complete overhaul of higher ed’s business model. But that’s not necessarily the case. The key lies in practical strategies that work with institutional culture rather than against it. We identified five essential lessons for achieving meaningful and lasting administrative transformation on campus.
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Enrollment Blog
What students look for in a college—and how your virtual tour can help
EAB’s latest insight paper explores the characteristics that most strongly influence a school’s ability to attract students, along with nine archetypical school personas. Virtual tours are a uniquely powerful tool for engaging today’s students, we explored how to align your virtual tour with your school’s persona for maximum impact.
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Higher Education Strategy Blog
3 takeaways from university CBOs: Reflections from our recent leadership discussion
This blog shares key takeaways on resilient leadership, financial scenario planning, and college athletics from our discussions with chief business officers.
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Higher Education Strategy Blog
What 30+ rising higher education leaders learned in EAB’s fall 2024 fellowship
EAB's Rising Higher Education Leadership Fellowship fall 2024 cohort tackled institutional challenges ranging across topics such as student retention, mental health, talent, and space planning.
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Adult Education Blog
Over half of graduate enrollment staff are considering resigning—here’s what you can do about it
Staff retention has always been a top priority for graduate enrollment leaders, but mounting challenges—such as the looming demographic cliff forecasting enrollment declines and a new presidential administration creating funding uncertainty—make retaining top talent both more difficult and more critical.
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Adult Education Blog
Expanding your domestic student market
International students played a major role in post-pandemic enrollment growth, but with the return of a Trump administration, uncertainty now looms for graduate and adult-serving enrollment leaders.