Why customer service matters for community colleges

Are you meeting students’ basic needs?

How dual enrollment can combat enrollment declines

Your student loan payments are due: 3 strategies to support community college students’ financial wellness
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6 community college trends to watch in 2025
To maintain this forward momentum, community colleges must stay ahead of key trends that could impact the sector, both positively and negatively, in 2025.
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Guided Pathways needs to evolve for 2025
When Guided Pathways launched in 2017, many community colleges jumped right into reforming their student success strategies. In the years that followed, colleges overhauled academic advising, revamped orientation programs, and strengthened first-year experience courses. So where are we now?
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Boost student engagement with data and easy-to-use technology
A great starting point for understanding your students’ needs is analyzing the data you already have—admissions, financial aid, residence life, and LMS data can all provide a strong foundation.
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The student readiness crisis: 4 ways community colleges can use technology to counter growing student readiness gaps
Through interviews with dozens of campus leaders and industry experts, we've learned that the effects of K-12 pandemic disruptions—such as chronic absenteeism, declining reading and math skills, and widespread classroom disengagement—have already begun to appear on community college campuses.
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4 strategies to bridge the skills gap between community college and career
While a large majority of employers today look for candidates who have postsecondary education, the jump from college to career can still be confusing, daunting, and challenging for students—and community college students are no exception.
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Five essential steps for effective change leadership
How are the most successful change leaders carrying innovation beyond the cabinet? Examine these five steps to help you successfully lead change on campus.
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3 tech-enabled strategies to get ahead of FAFSA setbacks early
Explore how two community colleges used the Coordinated Care Network to help students complete their FAFSAs.
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What is Guided Pathways—and is it still worth the hype?
Nearly 10 years after the term became ubiquitous, we provide a refresher on what Guided Pathways is, why technology is a critical component in scaling campus-wide efforts, and profile the most promising tech-focused practices from your peers.
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Four tips to engage and enroll the “moveable middle”
This blog will share four insights and tips to help you identify, engage, and enroll this crucial prospective student demographic known as the moveable middle.