Building anti-racist education institutions requires a commitment to ongoing individual learning and action, and there are countless authors, scholars, and activists leading and guiding conversations about racism and racial justice through their work. Here is a curated list of the resources we are learning from right now for you to read, listen to, follow, and share with your colleagues.

Articles—Your Quick Reads with a Lasting Impact
- White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack
- Anti-Blackness and the way forward for K-12 schooling
- The “New Racism” of K–12 Schools: Centering Critical Research on Racism
- Is My School Racist?
- Why Diversity Initiatives Fail
Books—For Your Individual and Book Club Reading Lists
- “For White Folks Who Teach in the Hood…and the Rest of Y’all Too” by Christopher Emdin
- “How to be an Anti-Racist,” by Ibram X. Kendi
- “Teaching for Black Lives” by Jesse Hagopian, Dyan Watson, Wayne Au
- “White Fragility,” by Robin DiAngelo
- “Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?” by Beverly Daniel Tatum
Podcasts—For Your Walks, Workouts, and Lunchbreaks
- Nice White Parents (Serial and the New York Times)
- Code Switch (NPR)
- Seeing White (Scene on Radio, Center for Documentary Studies)
- 1619 (The New York Times)
Thought Leaders—For Your Continued Learning
- Andre M. Perry (Bio, Twitter)
- Anthony A. Jack (Bio, Twitter)
- Gloria Ladson-Billings (Bio, Twitter)
- Ibram Kendi (Bio, Twitter)
- Shaun Harper (Bio, Twitter)