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Is your institution ‘Gen P’ ready?

Read this blog for five key insights and recommendations for recruiting Gen P and ensuring Gen P’s success…
Student Success Blog

30 Student success priorities for the 2020s

This blog explores three major trends in student success and outlines 30 student success priorities for the 2020s.
Student Success Blog

How Change Leadership Propelled University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s Journey to Equity

Change leadership acts as a vital bridge between intent and action. What does effective change leadership look like…
Student Success Blog

How schools are expanding student mental health support without hiring more counselors

As many as 3 in 4 students now say they considered leaving college at some point over the…
Student Success Blog

Latest Posts From This Blog

  • 6 common barriers to using data for student success management

    Across conversations with a diverse group of student success leaders this winter, it became clear that people and process are at the heart of the challenge. Even the perfect data tool won’t make an impact if the people and the organizational environment aren’t right. We heard the following framework emerge: Six key ingredients that must be in place for each individual to be an active and effective user of student data.

  • 4 things Pokémon GO taught me about student success

    My love of catching ‘em all evolved into a fascination more aligned with my professional interests as a user experience designer: how can virtual “hooks” create new behaviors? After all, if the emergence of cartoon animals on a map could get me on a walk every day, surely there are mechanisms to instill “success habits” in our students. Here’s what I learned.

  • 3 strategies to engage faculty in your student success initiatives

    I can’t tell you how many times a provost has asked me, “But what do I do about my faculty?” as they are thinking about rolling out a new student success initiative. Frankly, it’s a fair question. Despite all the investments we’ve made in student success over the past few years, few campuses have fully engaged their faculty when reorganizing to better support students. It doesn’t have to be this way, and we are beginning to see a change.

  • How three simple community college onboarding changes turned into $70K

    At Danville Community College, leaders uncovered three barriers facing students upon entry, and worked with EAB to streamline the student experience. The result? An increase in applicant-to-enrollee conversion in the first semester alone, resulting in nearly $70K in additional revenue—just from better front-end processes.

  • How one advising leader saw a 600% increase in student responses

    Words surrounding email performance—like “open rates,” “clickthrough rates,” and “conversion rates”—are not part of most academics’ vocabulary. But digital marketing best practices can provide measurable value to your student communications.

  • What success means to your students, in their own words

    EAB researchers went directly to over 200 students and asked how they conceive of success. Their answers surprised, delighted, and moved us—and helped us focus our research and development agenda for the upcoming year.

  • The evolution of student success

    How did we arrive at today's complex definition of student success? Our experts borrowed principles from evolutionary biology to examine how far student success has come, as well as where it might go in the future.

  • The false tradeoff between academic rigor and course pass rates

    See four proven approaches to working with faculty and academic departments to redesign high-DFW courses while maintaining or even strengthening their academic rigor.

  • 3 ways to make advising experiences more meaningful for disengaged students

    Students who develop a relationship with a campus advisor are more likely to persist than students who don't, but students don't always know how advisors can help them. Learn three strategies to make advising more about holistic support and self-direction rather than transactional questions.
