Strategic Advisory Services Resource Hub
Welcome to the Strategic Advisory Services Resource Hub! The resources in this hub are designed to serve your leadership team, direct reports, strategic task forces, committees, and teams as you seek to accelerate progress on core initiatives. We invite you to browse our library of research and insights, register for upcoming events, and sign up for partner services that provide custom assessments and recommendations.
Have a question about your partnership? Connect with us at [email protected] or contact your EAB Strategic Leader, or learn more about Strategic Advisory Services here.
Don't miss our annual summit
Join us for our IGNITED series, starting in October 2024, where presidents, provosts, chief business officers, and heads of strategy will convene to hear EAB’s latest research and network with peers.
Areas of Inquiry
Admin, Finance, and Operations
Blueprint for Growth
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice
Dynamic Strategy
Embed agility, prioritize strategic bets, and articulate a differentiated value proposition
IT Strategy
People and Workplace Culture
Professional and Adult Education
Lead campus innovation and market responsiveness in online, continuing ed, and other adult education
Student Experience and Well-being