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Our Blogs

Get the latest insights from EAB experts on a variety of topics and terrains from enrollment to student success to K-12 education to higher education strategy and beyond.


Are you prepared to recruit ‘Gen P’?

Here are three key insights for enrollment leaders about recruiting this new generation of students.
Enrollment Blog

The top 5 ways prospective graduate and adult learners are finding your programs

Our Adult Learner Recruitment team recently surveyed more than 3,800 graduate and adult learners to learn more about…
Adult Education Blog

30 Student success priorities for the 2020s

This blog explores three major trends in student success and outlines 30 student success priorities for the 2020s.
Student Success Blog

Most strategic plans fail to set useful goals. Why these mistakes make it impossible to meet institutional objectives.

This blog outlines the importance of clear strategic goals and identifies three most common failure paths for strategic…
Higher Education Strategy Blog

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  • Student Success Blog

    3 ways to make advising experiences more meaningful for disengaged students

    Students who develop a relationship with a campus advisor are more likely to persist than students who don't, but students don't always know how advisors can help them. Learn three strategies to make advising more about holistic support and self-direction rather than transactional questions.

  • Community College Blog,Student Success Blog

    Look beyond demographics to serve students better

    Student success initiatives based on demographic risk indicators are well-intentioned but often misguided. Learn how you can collect better information about students to identify those students who truly need extra support—and empower those who don't.

  • Student Success Blog

    A better way to engage first-generation parents

    One-size-fits-all communication doesn't work for your students and it doesn't work for their parents, either. Read about how one institution created more customized newsletters for first-generation students' parents.

  • Enrollment Blog

    Survey findings: How does your admissions staffing measure up?

    An ongoing concern is effective staffing in enrollment management offices. Learn more from our benchmarking survey about how both public and private institutions' EM and admissions offices are operating more efficiently.

  • Student Success Blog

    Does Blue Apron have the best recipe for student outcomes?

    New cooks and students entering the workforce have much in common—they know what they want to achieve, but they don't always know how to get there. Meal-kit services such as Blue Apron offer key lessons for how academic leaders can help students prepare for the workforce.

  • Enrollment Blog

    How to use the admissions process to help students select the right major

    Picking the right major can be a big source of anxiety for students, especially because choosing or switching majors too late can delay graduation. Learn how Florida International University built major exploration into the admissions process to help students find the right major early and graduate in four years.

  • Community College Blog,Higher Education Strategy Blog

    The community college leader’s guide to overcoming ‘new initiative’ anxiety

    Discover three common anxieties that college leaders face before launching a new student success program, as well as strategies to overcome each one.

  • Enrollment Blog

    Why enrollment should be at the center of academic program review

    In today's uncertain financial climate, it's more important than ever that academic programs achieve peak enrollment performance. Few institutions take enrollment into account during program reviews, however. Learn how Virginia Tech overhauled its program review process with the addition of enrollment viability assessments.

  • Data & Analytics Blog

    Direction for the CIO’s first 100 days

    The first 100 days are often considered a critical time for new CIOs, as they transition into their new position and assess the institution's primary needs. See how one member addressed these challenges, and why he believes the momentum of the first 100 days doesn't have to end.
