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Our Blogs

Get the latest insights from EAB experts on a variety of topics and terrains from enrollment to student success to K-12 education to higher education strategy and beyond.


Are you prepared to recruit ‘Gen P’?

Here are three key insights for enrollment leaders about recruiting this new generation of students.
Enrollment Blog

The top 5 ways prospective graduate and adult learners are finding your programs

Our Adult Learner Recruitment team recently surveyed more than 3,800 graduate and adult learners to learn more about…
Adult Education Blog

30 Student success priorities for the 2020s

This blog explores three major trends in student success and outlines 30 student success priorities for the 2020s.
Student Success Blog

Most strategic plans fail to set useful goals. Why these mistakes make it impossible to meet institutional objectives.

This blog outlines the importance of clear strategic goals and identifies three most common failure paths for strategic…
Strategy Blog

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  • Community College Blog,Student Success Blog

    Design an early alert system faculty will actually use

    Whether designing your new early alert system or evaluating your current system, there are guidelines to follow to help your institution improve its use of early alert systems.

  • Student Success Blog

    Summer to-do list for behavioral intervention teams

    This four-item checklist will help you evaluate your campus BIT.

  • Student Success Blog

    Want to retain more students? Process map the student experience to find hidden pain points

    When we began working with colleges and universities to implement our mobile advising application, Guide, one of our goals was to help our members see their institution through a student’s eyes—and the experience surprised many of them. In this post, we highlight reactions to some of the unintentional (but all too common) barriers to completion that colleges put in front of students.

  • Community College Blog,Student Success Blog

    What we can learn from Guided Pathways skeptics

    Behind the scenes, many college leaders express feelings of anxiety about implementing an ambitious new model for student success on their campuses that they felt ill-prepared to execute, or at least execute well.

  • Student Success Blog

    Data literacy and student success

    There is a connection between data literacy and student success by way of the faculty and staff. In my work with members of EAB’s Student Success Collaborative, data literacy has come up time and again as one of the biggest barriers to their vision of a data-enabled campus, especially when it comes to decision-making to promote student outcomes.

  • Community College Blog,Student Success Blog

    Why federal financial aid isn’t enough for college students

    What’s more personal than money? The dollar bill, dinero, dough, or green—no matter what you call it, money (or the lack of it) can make your life great, manageable, or downright tough. As one who has experienced the highs and lows of cash, I’ve seen how finances can cause people to withdraw from life or, on the flipside, find creative ways to get the resources they need.

  • Student Success Blog

    How does a four year degree become a six-and-a-half year degree?

    It’s no secret that college costs a lot. One good way to help minimize the expense is to do everything in our power to shorten the total time it takes for students to get a degree. We might not have much latitude to reduce the price of a year’s tuition, but we can absolutely do more to control the total amount that an individual student pays by reducing unnecessary delays and roadblocks along the path to getting a degree.

  • Student Success Blog

    6 common barriers to using data for student success management

    Across conversations with a diverse group of student success leaders this winter, it became clear that people and process are at the heart of the challenge. Even the perfect data tool won’t make an impact if the people and the organizational environment aren’t right. We heard the following framework emerge: Six key ingredients that must be in place for each individual to be an active and effective user of student data.

  • Strategy Blog

    A primer on public-private partnerships

    A public-private partnership can be a new way to leverage alternative finance and delivery models in support of your school's broader mission, including addressing deferred maintenance and modernization needs.
